After a bunch of studying last weekend I felt hungry and went to a convenience store to grab some quick lunch. As soon as I stepped outside I was greeted with one of the best days in the previous month, being sunny, not a cloud in the sky, with just the right temperature. “Well, time to go somewhere!”, I thought. Studying could wait until later. Along came the idea of visiting Tokyo Tower. It was the last day before they closed the top observation deck for renovations until next summer. Deciding to go was a no-brainer.

But, as is becoming tradition in these blug posts, let me interject with some off-topic paragraphs. Not much happened in the past two weeks since the last post, mainly because the weather has been completely broken. One day sunny and warm, the next day rainy and cold. Couple that with the AC that was still on full blast in the trains (they just got the heating running a few days ago), I got a bit of a cold. That was not really conducive to going around looking at interesting places.
We did have a very nice party and karaoke evening (well, also night and morning), which destroyed my voice for a day. I also met up with a previous Slovene Vulcanus participant (hi Miran! :D), which was very fun. Other than that, we had to finish a monthly report for the Vulcanus team, which went about as well as one can expect.

In school, things are ramping up. We’ve learned a whole bunch of new grammar and had a written and a conversation test. That kept us busy studying. I really need to write a bleg post about the school. It’s really nice and I’m enjoying every minute of it. In a nutshell, it’s a very welcome change of pace to study a language (that I like very much) instead of computer science. But more on that later.
Oh, I just remembered something I wanted to write about but never found an opportunity for. I guess I’ll just put it here: I find the people who direct cars at parking garage entrances/exits very interesting. They are really friendly and yell at you to stop, then smile and apologize for making you wait for a car when they let you through. Really nice. Well, on with the Tokyo Tower.

There really isn’t much to write about, the pictures pretty much tell the whole story. It’s quite big (333 m), but not as big as the Sky Tree (634 m), which is the second highest structure in the world. The top observation deck is at 250 m. That allows you to see a whole lot of Tokyo. You can’t really see the end of it. This city is really big!
Because of queues, I didn’t get to take nice photos of the sunset, but the horizon was quite a bit misty, so the photos wouldn’t be nice anyway. The ones I did get are quite impressive, I think.

There’s a shrine on the lower observation deck, and a bar with live performers. As with all major tourist attractions, you’re encouraged to buy souvenirs at every step of the way. Not really bothersome, as they were really quite interesting, but just a sign of how tourist-y this place is.
Other than that, I think we’re done here! I do encourage you to look at the photo album as I’m quite proud of some of the pictures. See you next time!
See the full album linked to this post here (click)!