Sašo in Japan!

A blag about my exploits in Japan

Writing a blog is somewhat of a tradition for Vulcanus participants. This is an instance of that tradition. The blogs serve as a chronicle of the great times people have, the places they visit and the events they experience, but possibly most importantly, they can be used by aspiring Vulcanusonianauts to research the programme before applying, or to just drive up the hype while waiting to be shortlisted and eventually selected.

Who am I? In short, my name is Sašo and I hail from Slovenia, and I’m one of the Vulcanus 2016-2017 participants. See the About Me for more details. I’m writing this blag to document my time in Japan and to share my experience with applying for Vulcanus. Maybe that’ll help someone. Maybe it won’t. The numerous other blogs around the interwebs have helped me tremendously, and I’ll try to be at least as helpful as those are. I also just want to try to write a blag.

There will be a multi-part series, a guide if you will, on applying to Vulcanus. The plan is to consolidate as much information as possible into one place (the guide). I’ve spent quite a lot of time and energy researching the public face of Vulcanus history and can say with reasonably high certainty that I’ve read every English blog about this programme that is accessible right now, as well as a few in other languages, courtesy of Google Translate. The series will be split into logical parts, each surely (hopefully (probably)) before the respective part of the application 2017-2018 application process. For those of you who found this blog and wish to apply, look no further.

As far as the more general ‘me’ posts go, I can’t really predict what they’ll be about. Maybe just spur-of-the-moment thought streams, but definitely quite a lot of photo album posts, because I like taking photos. That’ll surely delight everyone I personally know, as well as everyone else just stumbling upon the blag.

Happy reading!

A blag technical note for those interested: this is a static site, generated by Hugo and served on Google App Engine behind CloudFlare. The theme is something I custom-made just for this blag. It’s called simplex and it isn’t open-sourced, yet.